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为你切换:从本土人才升级为全球精英发表时间:2022-06-20 16:22 为你切换:从本土人才升级为全球精英
解决的问题: l 通过体验式教学、敏感性训练、技巧性训练、情境模拟甚至戏剧表达训练,厘清导致冲突产生的众多线索,针对其中的文化线索做出改善方案; l 培养团队的多元思维能力、文化敏感度、文化解释能力,及文化宽容度; l 针对中籍同事在国际职场上因文化特征而带来的沟通技能短板,做重点培训。
背景: 当提及跨文化,您第一时间想到的可能是不同的习惯禁忌。习惯禁忌恰恰是跨文化领域里最不重要的部分,因为如果习惯禁忌犯了错,是极容易得到原谅的。但是,如果在“思维层面”与对方不匹配,不动声色中造成了紧张关系。您需要知道文化性格的四大维度差异:行为准则、沟通方式、时间观念、自我意识,以及世界十大文化群体在这四个维度上分别对应的位置。
学员收获: l 工具: 1. 目标国家的国民特性图 2. 文化性格四大维度对比轴 3. 文化性格测评表 4. 个人/团队文化罗盘
l 方法: 三步循环法——诊断、切换、检验 1. 诊断:观察、判断冲突中哪些要素与文化相关,哪些要素与文化无关 2. 切换:切换到TA的文化性格,用TA的语言沟通,传递自己的价值 3. 检验:评估双方是否理性、感性达成了一致
Cross-CulturalCommunication——From Local Talent to Global Elite
Benefits: l Eliminatethe alienating feelings between Chinese and foreign colleagues l Explainthe causes of a conflict from different perspectives, and propose the strategyto solve the conflict from cultural perspective l Improvethe team’s cultural sensibility and tolerance l Overcomethe Chinese colleagues’ weakness in communication skills caused by ConfucianAsia cultural background
Background: Whentalking about cross-cultural communication, you might instantly think of habit,taboo, or custom. Please note that these elements are the least important, forthe simple fact that you will be easily forgiven if you make mistakes.Nevertheless, if you and the other person do not match in ‘thinking mode’, thenthe tension starts to grow and you may not even notice. You need to know thefour-dimensional cultural differences: behavior criteria, communication style,concept of time, and self-awareness. You also need to understand the positionsof the world’s ten cultural clusters in the four dimensions.
You might also haveencountered these issues: when the headquarters’ policy conflicts with theflexibility of local conditions; you need to get things done while keepingheadquarters happy; After you put forward your objection straightforwardly,your foreign colleagues did not accept it, which led to confrontation in thefuture cooperation; You need foreign colleagues to "hurry up" whilethey complain you're pushing too much; You're torn between "the boss hasthe last word" and "everyone has a say."
Takeaways: l Tools: 1. Target country’s national personalitypicture 2. Four dimensions of culturalpersonality 3. Cultural personalityassessment 4. Personal/Group culturalcompass l Methods: Three steps to solve cultural conflicts——Diagnose, Switch, Assess 1. Diagnose:Observe and determine whichparts of the conflicts are culture related and which are not 2. Switch:Switch to his/her culture,speak his/her language,deliver my value 3. Assess:Check if we have reachedagreement both in sense and sensibility
戴愫 培训师、咨询师、作家 跨文化类: 为你切换™:跨文化沟通 跨文化管理共创工作坊 领导力类: 慧劝™:顾问式影响力推进协作 微交谈™:连接“情绪、认知、价值”,三步结交高客 沟通、写作类: 写赢™:TCS三级跳职场写作课(英文版、中文版) 职场逻辑表达与写作
在跨文化实践中,她发现以中国为代表的孔儒文化人群擅长熟人社会的社交,但在当今的陌生人社会里,存在技能短板——不善于和陌生人做small talk。于是她打造了一系列线上、线下课程,教授如何在第一时间,用第一印象,甚至是第一句话,在陌生人面前释放善意,并吸引住TA。
曾负责美国劳工部下的5000名中国护士的跨文化储备,曾任美国Job Corps(劳工大军)跨文化合作伙伴,美国Astar教育集团课程总监,美国Sueltalo El Show电台跨文化谈话节目合作嘉宾。在新加坡期间,她担任新加坡SP Jain商学院的东亚地区首席代表,负责中国大陆、香港、台湾和韩国四地的市场推广工作。